The goal of their visit was to get acquainted with experience of temperature and humidity maintenance in the Dormition Cathedral and the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral and relations of the museum with the Russian Orthodox Church.
Many specialists from different Russian regions are interested in the technology of climate control in the above-mentioned monuments and it is clear: at present the system that is installed in the cathedrals of Kirillov and Ferapontovo knows no equals in the Russian museums.
The guests from Kazan could also learn a lot of new things concerning the relations of secular and religious organizations. “We have a consensus panel that determines the relations of the museum with the Russian Orthodox Church. It is to solve any vexed questions. There can be no specific recommendations in this issue because we all have our own conditions. For example, in our case, we deal with only one religion, and there are several of them in Kazan. But study of someone’s experience gives a chance to find your solution”, said Mikhail Sharomazov, director of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum-reserve.