The exhibition “Grand Prince of all Rus Ivan III” was opened in One-Pillar Chamber of the Patriarch’s Palace of the Moscow Kremlin. The official announcement about the display on the official website of the Moscow Kremlin Museums say: “The personality of this ruler and his contribution to the development of Russia are still not fully appreciated by his descendants: it was exactly in his reign when the centuries-old Tatar yoke was thrown off and the process of unification of separated Russian principalities into a single state was completed. The objective of the exhibition is to show how the new images and symbols reflected the most significant deeds of the Grand Prince and Sovereign, who had turned the Moscow Principality into a Tsardom and Moscow - into a new capital, that had taken over the glory of the fallen Constantinople”.
About 100 unique exhibits will be presented to wide audience from March 20 to July 14, 2013. Among them – two icons from the collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum-reserve: the patronal icon of the iconostasis from the Church of the Deposition of the Virgin’s Robe from the Borodava village “Deposition of the Virgin’s Girdle and Robe in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople (around 1485) and the icon “The Virgin of the Sign, Prophets David and Solomon” (around 1502, Moscow) from the Prophet’s tier of the iconostasis of the Virgin Nativity Cathedral in the Ferapontov monastery.