The goal of her visiting was organization and realization of the complex Plan of the use of the historic object of the World Heritage with the carefully studied perspectives of its development. This is a document, which demands great efforts and many agreements. The Plan is necessary to preserve the monument of the World Heritage. It could favour the development of the town and determine the recommended degree of the interference in its territorial plans. It gives the right to rate at the drawing of means being necessary for exploitation and restoration of the World Heritage monument.
The Plan is a compulsory document for the insertion of the monument in the List of the objects of the World Heritage. Romana Chelontkovskaya offered to broaden the nomination of the Ferapontov monastery and to develop the common Plan of the management of the monument (Kirillo-Belozersky and Ferapontov monasteries, church of Elijah the Prophet of Tsypino). It will favour the process of the recognition of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum-reserve as the object of the World Heritage.
The cooperation agreement with Romana Chelontkovskaya was concluded for 3 years. Within the limits of her visiting she met with the administration of the Kirillov district, religious authorities, director of the National park “Russian North”, reporter of the regional newspaper “New life”, residents of the town and employees of the museum.
The next visit of Romana will be in February, 2010. She will come with the world experts.