Restoration of many years and strengthening of the wall paintings of the Virgin Nativity Cathedral were completed on the whole. The regular preventive works and monitoring of the preservation of the monumental painting are carried out. They used the newest method of the high-precision digital photo fixation of the works of art developed by the Russian company CJSC “Group EPOS” at the require of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
A special “cold” light used for shooting answers the museum standards and doesn’t threaten the works of art. One of the most important peculiarities of this new method is the use of the system of profiling and colour control. Quality control is held at all the stages: shooting of frescoes, digital picture processing and printing photographic reproductions.
There were some stages of works in the Virgin Nativity Cathedral. As the result of this complicated work the digital pictures of the frescoes and of the interior of the Virgin Nativity Cathedral were made. The created data base has a scientific research importance. It can be used by specialists: art historians, restorers and custodians. In addition these model backup copies of frescoes and of interiors were assumed as a basis for the multimedia scientific and educational resource with the virtual presentation of the interior of the Virgin Nativity Cathedral of the Saint Pherapont Monastery.