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History of Kirillo-Belozerski monastery

"Âelo Ozero". From ancient times this was the name of the vast lands around Lake Beloye  (White), lands that witnessed the lives of numerous Russian saints. The holy relics of many of them, spared by all the tumults of the 20th century, are still safely buried in the monasteries they have founded.

In the summer of 1397 two monks from the Moscow Simonov (St. Simon) Monastery, Cyril and Pherapont, reached the shores of Lake Siverskoye. They had gone a long way, walking through thick forests, crossing rivers and swamps. Cyril had a clear idea of his final destination - one night he saw that place in a vision while praying to the Holy Virgin. Reciting a hymn devoted to Mary (Akathistos), the monk had just pronounced the words: "Seeing the strange birth, let us move away from the world and set our mind unto heaven". Suddenly he heard a voice: "Cyril, depart from hence and go to Belo Ozero, for there is a place awaiting you where you can be saved." A bright light entering the cell window accompanied these words. Cyril looked outside and saw that the light came from the north, where Belo Ozero was situated. He was filled with joy, real¬izing that the Virgin had answered his prayers...

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